Flip City offers a home for marginalized artists and doody jokes

You might notice that your newest issue of Flip City has an unprecedented number of dirty words and possible vulgarities, thanks largely to our guest Count Dankula, but credit is due to our staff as well. As usual, these three, four, and sometimes five-letter words are rarely uttered by the editors, who save most of our profanities for the home office, and are often just documentation of vitriol spewed by the subjects of our satirical spears.
We strive to mix intellectual yuks with the crass and lowbrow, and why? Because it’s a vulgar world we have to confront, and there are few who are willing to get their artsy fartsy hands dirty enough to get down in the trenches and do the job properly. Fortunately we’ve amassed a motley crew of gutter-dwelling miscreants, near-homeless ink desperados, reactionary no-goodnicks and general profaners of the illustrated arts, anons and
microdosing maniacs most of whom rage at a publishing industry that has ignored them for too long, deemed their best, most honest work to be unpublishable, and even blackballed them for their political leanings. And so, to stage a full-scale comic insurrecton, Flip City unleashes our artists armed with images and insults sometimes so base they cannot even be dignified with a response by any respectable periodical peruser, and tasked with one mission: take no prisoners! We answer to nobody but our readers, so why should we of all publishers be above taking cheap shots? Why should we be NICE?!
We’re also not beyond poop and fart jokes, as we’ve proven repeatedly. The Duchess of Cornwall herself can’t keep her mouth shut about Joe Biden’s sonorous flatulence at the COP26 conference in Scotland last November. This alone qualifies his gaseous eruptions as legitimate, fact-checked news. If it’s good enough for mainstream media, that ought to be good enough for us? Isn’t the real insult the public embarassment of being represented on the world stage by a walking pull-up? Surely this is a greater disgrace than anything that could conceivably be found within these pages?
If this brown gold (above) doesn’t prove our point, then take lowest of our lowbrow, Dangerous Dave MacDowell, specialist in based portraiture and body fluid renderings, whom as we have documented has extorted Flip City’s editors into publishing numerous pieces of questionable taste (see issues 5, 6). Again, it’s not our fault the world is gross! Some of the best art is a mixture of the sacred and profane.
“Will this strategy help distinguish ourselves in the magazine market? is something a better planned enterprise might ask itself. If it helps, we also like to run jokes and articles that are outright stupid, just to see if you’re paying attention. But don’t worry, this isn’t one of them!
-The Editors