FLIP CITY Magazine brings your annual list of the worst of the worst of the year you're already ready to forget, all December long.

GATOR CHOW: Yes, everybody knows by now that the late Jeffrey Epstein excelled in trafficking minors for sex. Blah, blah, blackmail, Royal family schmoyal family.
But among the most salacious revelations in a federal lawsuit filed anonymously in March is an incident in which Epstein and gal-pal Ghislaine Maxwell went full Sopranos on a real estate broker they had previously tag-team sexually assaulted, allegedly driving their victim to a Florida site with a "large body of water...infested with alligators” and threatening to feed her to the gators if she squealed about the menage-a-trois.
One can only wonder how many times the gruesome twosome used this manner of persuasion, not to mention how many bones are lodged in the stomachs of
swamp-dwelling prehistoric crocs courtesy the nation's most prominent pimp daddy.
This is all more brutal than funny, and needless to say ought to put Maxwell on Santa's naughty list for keeps, but that's life in the Ghis lane.