FLIP CITY Magazine brings your annual list of the worst of the worst of the year you're already ready to forget, all December long.

Rap and pop star Nicki Minaj faced down a triple threat this year from government, media, and medical establishment. After posting an anecdote about her Trinidadian cousin's vaccinated friend's swollen testicles, the White House reached out to help correct her misinformed thinking, offering her a meeting with their doctors to educate her in more productive perspectives.
In September, after announcing her plans to skip attending the New York Met Gala performance over its vaccine requirement and do her "own research", she was trashed by corporate media outlets including MSNBC. Minaj also claimed harassment from media services including The Daily Mail, and Trinidad-Tobago's Guardian Media who threatened to expose her family's personal information.
Her subsequent screeds comparing cancel culture to Communist China and sharing Tucker Carlson Tonight clips have put a target on her back, er, booty.