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FLIP CITY Magazine brings your annual list of the worst of the worst of the year you're already ready to forget, all December long.

THE PEDO BUNCH: In July, the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus fully released a video entitled "We're Coming For Your Children", in which a Hollywood Squares grid of groomers pledge to convert American children into their personal DNA receptacles to fight the scourge of "intolerance".

The lyrics to the lullaby include pederastic gems like, "You think that we’ll corrupt your kids if our agenda goes unchecked. It’s funny. Just this once, you’re correct!"

If that's not enough to make any decent parent sweat, there are these comforting lines: "We will convert your children, it happens bit by bit. Quietly and subtly, and you will barely notice it!"

After a vigorous backlash, the queer choir went into damage control mode, removing its post and insisting it was a joke misunderstood by ignorant homophobes: “It is obvious the tongue-in-cheek humor is lost on many.”

As it consequently emerged that a number of the men featured in the video have criminal records for naughty behavior with the under-18 set, it was not entirely clear whose cheeks the tongue in question would be buried in.


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